Bacharach PCA 2 24-9448 User Manual
Page 60

Instruction 24-9448
NOTE: The filename is automatically given a CSV (Comma
Separated Value) extension, allowing the file to be directly
opened by most spreadsheet programs for analysis.
3. After selectng a folder and enterng the flename, clck Open and then
clck Start to begn the download process.
Whle recoverng the stored data, observe that the “Records receved”
lne dsplays the total number of records currently downloaded. And
after all records have been receved, the Status lne wll read “Log fles
NOTE: The “Records received” line will shown that 512 files
have been received, regardless of how many memory locations
actually contained data. This occurs because the program
checks for data in all 500 memory locations, including 12
additional locations that contain sensor calibration data.
Note that the 12 files that contain sensor calibration data are
saved in a separate “CalibrationData.csv” file. This file is
automatically created and placed in the same folder that was
selected in Step 2.
4. Ths completes the process of recoverng loggng data. Ether clck Exit
to close the program, or proceed to recover the combuston data by
startng over at Step 2, but ths tme usng the rght-hand secton of
the “Bacharach PCA 2 Data Recovery Program” wndow.
NOTE: Once either the logging data or combustion data has
been recovered, that portion of the recovery program’s window
will turn gray.
Status line
process has
Click Exit
to end the