1 introduction -1, 1 pca 2 general descrpton -1, 1 introduction 1.1 pca 2 general description – Bacharach PCA 2 24-9448 User Manual
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Instruction 24-9448
1 Introduction
1.1 PCA 2 General Description
The PCA 2 s a commercal-grade hand-held combuston and emssons
analyzer desgned for on-demand samplng of lght ndustral, nsttu-
tonal, commercal and resdental furnaces, applances, and bolers. The
basc nstrument s suppled wth a probe and hose assembly, nstructon
manual, factory calbrated smart sensors, 4 'AA' alkalne batteres, Data
Download Software wth USB cable and carryng case.
Because of the PCA 2’s ablty to measure up to four gases smultaneously,
t s the perfect tool for servce techncans, nspectors and boler contrac-
tors who need to determne combuston effcency, excess ar, stack gas O
and CO levels, stack temperature, draft, and dfferental pressure. The
analyzer can also drectly measure and dsplay NO, NO
and SO
wth the
nstallaton of the approprate sensors. Combuston effcency calculatons
can be conducted for the followng fuels: natural gas, ol #2, ol #4, ol #6,
propane, coal, wood, kerosene, bagasse, and dgester gas. A large backlt
graphcal dsplay shows up to eght combuston test values smultaneously,
and ncludes a zoom capablty that provdes an extra large dsplay of just
the O
, CO, and combuston effcency values.
Smart sensor technology allows a new sensor to be nstalled n the feld
wthout havng to calbrate the analyzer before use. New and nnovatve
probe and analyzer desgns allow the PCA 2 to be easly servced, thus
lowerng the cost of ownershp.
Advanced data storage and communcaton features allow the operator
to store up to 500 ndvdual combuston test records, whch can later be
recalled for vewng, prntng, or downloadng to a personal computer. In
ts data loggng mode, the analyzer can store an addtonal 500 data logged
An optonal AC power adapter allows the analyzer to run contnuously for
data loggng purposes.
The optonal sample condtonng probe s recommended when measurng
and SO
to ensure the hghest degree of measurement accuracy.