4 operatonal overvew -5, 4 operational overview – Bacharach PCA 2 24-9448 User Manual

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Instruction 24-9448



1.4 Operational Overview

The PCA 2 s powered by ether ts 4 nternal batteres, or by an optonal

AC power adapter that operates from any convenent source of 100–

240 VAC, 50/60 Hz power. The type of batteres used can be ether dspos-

able alkalne or rechargeable NMH. Note that rechargeable batteres can

be charged nsde the analyzer usng the optonal AC power adapter.

The PCA 2 s controlled by 11 front panel push buttons, whle a graphcal

LCD s used to dsplay all combuston and emsson test data and analyzer


A probe and hose assembly, wth an ntegral thermocouple and flter/wa-

ter-trap connect to the bottom of the analyzer, thus provdng the means of

drawng n gas samples, and for measurng stack temperature and draft.

The PCA 2 s turned ON by pressng ts red I/O button. A warm-up perod

of 60 seconds then begns, durng whch tme the analyzer performs self

dagnostcs. At the end of the warm-up perod, f no errors were detected

the message “NO ERRORS DETECTED” s brefly dsplayed followed by

the dsplay of the Combuston Test HOLD screen. If errors were detected,

the message “ERRORS DETECTED” s dsplayed along wth a lst of the

errors. These errors must be corrected before proceedng wth the combus-

ton test.

Before startng a test be sure to select the fuel beng burned. The default

fuel selected s Natural Gas. Note that the name of the fuel beng burned

s ndcated at the top of the dsplay. To change the fuel: frst, press the

MENU (F2) button; next, select FUEL from the menu; then use the but-

tons to hghlght the fuel beng burned; and fnally, press the green ENT

button to select the hghlghted fuel.

To assure correct combuston-effcency calculatons, the analyzer must

know the burner’s prmary-ar temperature. The analyzer normally uses

ts nternal temperature sensor for the prmary-ar temperature value, but

ths method s only acceptable f the burner s usng ambent room ar. If

the burner s drawng n cold outsde ar, we recommend that the optonal T-

AIR thermocouple be used. Ths thermocouple plugs nto the bottom of the

analyzer and s placed n the burner’s prmary-ar stream.

Begn the combuston test by frst nsertng the analyzer’s probe tube nto

the stack-gas stream of the applance under test, and then pressng the

RUN/HOLD button to dsplay the Combuston Test RUN screen. The ana-

lyzer wll begn to contnuously montor the stack temperature, %O

