3 recoverng data -24, 3 recovering data – Bacharach PCA 2 24-9448 User Manual

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Instruction 24-9448



6. After the Found New Hardware Wzard has fnshed nstallng the

software, clck Finish to close the Wzard.

4.14.3 Recovering Data

Before data can be recovered from the analyzer, nstall the PCA 2 Data

Recovery Program, USB cable, and USB devce drver as descrbed n Sec-

tons 4.14.1 and 4.14.2.

Recover ether the loggng or combuston data as follows:

1. Start the program by ether double-clckng the PCA2 con

on the Wndows desktop, or clckng the PCA2 shortcut n

start menu. The “Bacharach PCA 2 Data Recovery Program”

wndow should appear.

Observe that the wndow s dvded nto two sectons. The left-hand

secton s used to recover loggng data, whle combuston data s recov-

ered from the rght-hand secton.

In the followng steps, the loggng data wll be recovered. The same

procedure can be used to recover combuston data usng the rght-hand

secton of the wndow.

2. Select where the downloaded fle contanng the recovered data wll be

located and gve t a flename by clckng the Open Log File button. The

followng example screens show that the downloaded fle wll be placed

nto a pre-exstng PCA2 Logging Data folder and gven the flename

Customer XYZ.