1 pca 2 data recovery program installaton -20, 1 pca 2 data recovery program installation – Bacharach PCA 2 24-9448 User Manual
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Instruction 24-9448
4.14.1 PCA 2 Data Recovery Program Installation
The PCA 2 Data Recovery Program s suppled wth the analyzer on a CD
(P/N 24-1425). Install ths program as follows:
1. Insert the PCA 2 CD nto the computer’s CD-ROM drve.
2. Locate the CD-ROM drve n Wndows Explorer and open the PCA2
folder. Double-clck the Setup.exe program to start the nstallaton
3. Clck Next on the “Welcome to the InstallSheld Wzard for PCA2”
4. Clck Next to accept the default destnaton folder, or clck Change to
nstall to a dfferent folder.
Installation Folder
Click to change
installation folder