14 downloadng stored data to a computer -19, 14 downloading stored data to a computer – Bacharach PCA 2 24-9448 User Manual

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Instruction 24-9448



4.14 Downloading Stored Data to a Computer

The combuston test data that was stored n ether the analyzer’s Memory

Drectory (Secton 4.7), or Loggng Drectory (Secton 4.12), can be down-

loaded to a computer usng the PCA 2 Data Recovery Program and USB

cable that are suppled wth the analyzer.

The followng procedures assume that the operator s famlar wth creat-

ng folders and navgatng the fle structure of the Wndows operatng sys-

tem. If necessary, consult the Wndows help fles for nstructons on how to

perform these procedures.

The downloaded data s stored on the computer’s hard drve – or removable

meda of the operator’s choosng – as a comma-separated-value ASCII text

fle wth a CSV extenson. Ths type of fle can be opened by most spread-

sheet programs for analyss.

Computer requrements:

• Wndows 98SE or hgher

• CD ROM drve

• USB 1.1 or USB 2.0 port

• 12 MB of hard drve space for the PCA 2 data recovery program, plus

up to an addtonal 350 KB for each download