5 calibration -1, 1 smart sensors -1, 2 startng a calbraton -1 – Bacharach PCA 2 24-9448 User Manual

Page 67: 5 calibration, 1 smart sensors, 2 starting a calibration

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Instruction 24-9448



5 Calibration

IMPORTANT: Before performing any calibration procedure,

ensure that fresh batteries are installed or use the optional AC

power adapter. Also ensure that the analyzer is at room temper-

ature and will be sampling fresh air when turned ON.

5.1 Smart Sensors

The PCA 2 uses Bacharach’s new “Smart Sensor” technology, meanng

that the calbraton data for each sensor s stored n nonvolatle memory

on the sensor’s prnted crcut board.

Benefits of Smart Sensors:

New sensors can be nstalled wthout needng to be calbrated.

Sensors can be pre-calbrated and nstalled when needed.

Sensors can be moved from one analyzer to another.

The analyzer’s dagnostcs screen shows what sensors are nstalled,

and ther current end-of-lfe condton (Good, Low, Bad).

Each sensor stores ts calbraton hstory and operatng parameters,

whch can be downloaded to a computer and analyzed. Ths nforma-

ton s useful n determnng when the sensor was last calbrated, and

predctng ts end-of-lfe.

The smart sensors should be calbrated by an authorzed Bacharach

Servce Center (Secton 8.3) every 6 months to assure that the analyzer

contnues to meet ts publshed accuracy specfcatons. The smart sensors,

however, can be calbrated n the feld f your faclty has the necessary

equpment and qualfed personnel to perform the procedures descrbed n

the followng sectons of ths nstructon manual.

5.2 Starting a Calibration

Start any calbraton procedure by dong the followng:

1. Place the probe n an area of fresh ar, turn ON the analyzer, allowng

t to cycle through ts 60 second warm-up perod. Durng warm-up,

the analyzer’s operaton s checked and the sensors are set to the fol-

lowng ambent condtons:

Oxygen sensor spanned to 20.9%

All gas sensors are zeroed

The pressure sensor s zeroed