5 ntrc oxde sensor battery replacement -10, 5 nitric oxide sensor battery replacement – Bacharach PCA 2 24-9448 User Manual

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Instruction 24-9448



6.5 Nitric Oxide Sensor Battery Replacement

A sngle lthum battery, located on the NO Smart Sensor assembly, apples

a bas voltage to the NO sensor to prevent the sensor from destablzng

when the analyzer s turned off. The NO bas battery s expected to last at

least the lfe of the NO sensor.

Note: It is recommended that the bias battery be replaced whenever the NO

sensor is replaced.

Material Required:

• Bas battery (refer to Secton 8.1 Replacement Parts)


1. Follow the nstructons n Secton 6.3 Smart Sensor Replacement to

remove the Smart Sensor assembly from poston 4.

2. Remove the old battery from ts holder on the Ntrc Oxde prnted

crcut board.

3. Insert the new battery wth the postve sde facng away from the

sensor (the battery contact s stamped wth a + symbol) .

4. Re-nstall the Smart Sensor assembly.
5. Before powerng up and usng the analyzer, allow the Ntrc Oxde

sensor to stablze as descrbed below. Note that recalbraton of the

Ntrc Oxde sensor s not requred after replacng ts bas battery.

Dependng on how long the Ntrc Oxde sensor was wthout bas

voltage, the tme requred for the sensor to completely stablze vares

from less than a mnute to several days. Typcal stablzaton tmes

are shown below. Generally, however, the sensor s suffcently stable

after 4 hours for measurement purposes.

Bias battery removed for . . .

Stabilization time

Less than 15 mnutes

Less than 1 mnute

Less than 1 hour

Less than 5 mnutes

Less than 2 days

Less than 4 hours

Greater than 2 days

Up to 2 days