Suction-piping checklist – Goulds Pumps 3600 - IOM User Manual
Page 30

Check that only necessary fittings This helps to minimize friction losses.
are used.
Do not connect the piping to the
pump until:
• The grout for the baseplate or
sub-base becomes hard.
• The hold-down bolts for the
pump are tightened.
Make sure that all the piping joints This prevents air from entering the piping system or
and fittings are airtight.
leaks that occur during operation.
If the pump handles corrosive
fluids, make sure that the piping
allows you to flush out the liquid
before you remove the pump.
If the pump handles liquids at
This helps to prevent misalignment due to thermal
elevated temperatures, make
expansion of the piping.
sure that the expansion loops and
joints are properly installed.
Make sure that all piping compo-
nents, valves and fittings, and
pump branches are clean prior to
Make sure that the isolation and
Locate the check valve between the isolation valve and
check valves are installed in the
the pump. This will permit inspection of the check valve.
discharge line.
The isolation valve is required for regulation of flow, and
for inspection and maintenance of the pump. The check
valve prevents pump or seal damage due to reverse
flow through the pump when the driver is turned off.
Use cushioning devices.
This protects the pump from surges and water hammer
if quick-closing valves are installed in the system.
Alignment criteria for pump flanges
The flange gasket thickness is ±0.03 in. (0.8 mm).
Align the flange to be within 0.001 in./in. to 0.03 in./
in. maximum (0.025 mm/mm to 0.8 mm/mm) of the
flange diameter.
You can easily install the flange bolts by hand.
Suction-piping checklist
Performance curve reference
Vary the capacity with the regulating valve in the discharge line. Never throttle the flow from the suction
side. This action can result in decreased performance, unexpected heat generation, and equipment
Net positive suction head available (NPSH
) must always exceed NPSH required (NPSH
) as
shown on the published performance curve of the pump.
Suction-piping checks
Check that the distance between
This minimizes the risk of cavita-
the inlet flange of the pump and
tion in the suction inlet of the
the closest elbow is at least five
pump due to turbulence.
pipe diameters.
Check that elbows in general do
not have sharp bends.
Model 3600, API 610 8th, 9th, 10th & 11th Editions (ISO 13709) Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual