HID Asure ID 7.5 User Guide User Manual

Page 18

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Page 18 of 44

July 2014

Asure ID PLT-01485 Rev 2.0




When using Microsoft® SQL Server, you must have the following entries:

Server NameIndicates the SQLServer database name.
Initial Catalog – Enter the Initial Catalog if you do not have a default database. This field may

be empty. (Optional)

User Name – This is the username defined by the Database Administrator.
Password – This is the password associated with the username.


When the database is connected, address two more dialogs, as necessary:

Default Table – Displays automatically whenever you map data from the dropdown box. When

set the table is saved.

Primary TableIs the driver for data retrieved, regardless of the number of additional data

sources and tables.

The primary table is overridden with each additional data source.
When is selected, the native database becomes primary.
Click Next.


Click Test to verify the connection is successful.
Click Finish.


From the Text group, select Data Field.
Click the card design area. The Data Field Properties dialog displays.
Within Field Name, type the word or friendly name that you intend to link in the connected database.