Ws425 a/b nmea standard data message, Missing readings – Vaisala WMT700 User Manual
Page 157

Chapter 5 _________________________________________________________________ Operation
To start continuous measurement, use the START command.
You can stop the measurement with the STOP command. For
instructions, refer to sections START — Start Continuous
Measurement and STOP — Stop Wind Measurement on page
WS425 A/B NMEA Standard Data
The standard variable length, comma-separated, MWV wind
message is defined by NMEA 0183 V2.20 as follows:
$WIMWV = Fixed text
= Wind angle: 0 to 359 degrees
= Reference:
R = Relative
= Wind speed
= Wind speed unit:
K = Kilometers per hour
M = Meters per second
N = Knots
= Status:
A = Data valid
V = Invalid data
= Fixed text
= Checksum (8-bit XOR, excluding $ and *)
= Carriage return code, ASCII 0DH
= Line feed code, ASCII 0AH
When the NMEA Standard profile is selected, the autoInt parameter
must have a non-zero value since no polling command is defined for this
Missing Readings
If data is missing due to a measurement problem, the NMEA
messages show "V" in the status field. Wind speed and wind
direction fields are left empty.
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