Table 38, Monitoring items for data messages – Vaisala WMT700 User Manual

Page 123

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Chapter 5 _________________________________________________________________ Operation

Table 38

Monitoring Items for Data Messages




Status code. The code is a decimal number. Each bit
corresponds to a status flag. For a list of the bits, see section
Status Flags on page 123


0 = No error
1 = Blocked sensor


0 = No error
1 = Heater failure. Incorrect heater resistance.


0 = No error
1 = Wind speed exceeds operating limits
2 = Sonic temperature exceeds operating limits
3 = Wind speed and sonic temperature exceed operating limits


This value indicates temperature sensor failures when converted
to binary format:
Bit 0 = Temperature sensor 1 failure
Bit 1 = Temperature sensor 2 failure
Bit 2 = Temperature sensor 3 failure


0 = No error
1 = Supply voltage (Vh or Vi) too high
2 = Supply voltage (Vh or Vi) too low


Average heating power


Heater resistance


Transducer temperature


Internal temperature


Heater voltage


Supply voltage

Example 1:

In this example a new data message with identification number 1
is defined. The items included in the message are average wind
speed, average wind direction, and supply voltage.

S msg1,$\ws,\wd,\vi\cr\lf

When the above message is polled, WMT700 sends the following
data if the average wind speed is 5 m/s, the average wind
direction is 128 degrees, and the supply voltage is 23.4:


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