DiabloSport Trinity T-1000 Comprehensive User Manual User Manual
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DiabloSport Trinity Comprehensive User Manual Ver. 2.04
Page 32
Section 10: FAQ’s
How can I keep my Trinity screen clean and dust free without
damaging it?
A: Use a clean, lint free dry cloth. Gently rub the screen, but do not apply
excessive pressure. Do not use any cleaning solution or chemicals on your
Trinity Screen as they could cause permanent discoloration or damage.
Q: The Trinity’s Touch screen isn’t working, what should I do?
A: Call DiabloSport Tech support at 800‐531‐5484 for a solution.
Q: Why Doesn’t My Trinity power up in my vehicle?
A: Check to make sure that you have made all necessary connections to both
a vehicle’s OBDII port and the Trinity. If you have verified the proper
connections, you may need to replace your cigarette lighter fuse. If you
continue having issues, contact DiabloSport.
Q: When I try to install a tune with my Trinity, it says application not
supported‐what should I do?
A: From time to time an OEM dealership releases new calibrations for the
vehicles it manufactures. There is a possibility that the update occurred after
DiabloSport shipped the Trinity. If that’s the case your vehicle's “CAL ID” is
not in the software revision that’s currently on the tool. DiabloSport
recommends visiting www.diablosport.com to see if there are any updates
available for your Trinity that will add new CAL ID support, or alternatively
bring your Trinity back to the DiabloSport dealer from which it was originally
purchased for an update.
Q: Can the Trinity tune more than one vehicle at a time?
A: You can only use the Trinity with one vehicle at a time; however, it does
not stay "married" or "VIN Locked" forever. When you restore the “original
backup” to the vehicle you tuned first the Trinity will be re‐set to factory
defaults and can then tune a different vehicle. The easiest way to think of
this would be to imagine it’s a hard part like a Cold Air Intake: You can only
install a cold air intake on one vehicle, but if you take it off you can put it on
Q: Can I use the Trinity on multiple vehicles?
A: Yes, You can use the Trinity on any supported OBD II vehicle. DiabloSport
is adding more supported applications every day. The Trinity will allow you
to check and clear trouble codes, do data monitoring, and racing functions
on these applications but you cannot install a performance tune on them or
make any tune modifications.
Q: Will the Trinity void the factory warranty on my vehicle?
A: The Trinity’s tuning process does not leave footprints or watermarks in
your vehicle’s PCM. This means that as long as you restore the “original
backup” back to your vehicle you should not have any warranty issues.
However, should you leave a tune in the vehicle when you go to the
dealership, the OEM scan tools may have issues reading your vehicles
calibration and raise a flag to the dealership that the vehicle has been tuned.
Q: I loaded 45 parameters into a gauge layout and gauges are sluggish or no
longer move, what happened?
A: The issue you are experiencing is due to your vehicle’s ability to send
data. While you can certainly load as many gauges into a custom set up with