DiabloSport Predator Revision Update Instructions - Using Legacy Connect User Manual

Revision update instructions- using legacy connect, Prep

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Revision Update Instructions- Using Legacy Connect

Some older versions of Predator software cannot be auto detected by the DS Downloader.
Any tool with a revision starting with 7rxx and some older 8rxx revisions will fall into this
category. Any tool with a 9rxx revision will auto connect, and should not require legacy
connection (but it can still be utilized if you desire). If your tool requires Legacy connection,
follow these steps. Also for use if your tool displays “Application is Missing or Corrupt”


You Need

USB/Serial Cable and Power Source #U7778 OR Serial/Serial Cable and Power Source #U7777 (For
new computers that only have USB ports) (Win-XP computers that have a serial port)

NOTE: These cables can also be purchased at Radio Shack, or any electronics supply store:

-USB to Serial cable OR a straight 9-pin Serial/Serial cable

-12 v 1 amp power cable 2.5 x 5.5 mm jack, center pin positive.

NOTE: DSDownloader does not work with Belkin brand USB-serial cables