Combining shadowimage and truecopy operations, N in, Combining shadowimage and truecopy – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
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ShadowImage for the XP128/XP1024/XP10000/XP12000
Combining ShadowImage with Other Data Management Operations
SI390 supports concurrent operations with the following data management functions:
Virtual LVI/LUN. Virtual LVI/LUN volumes can be assigned to SI390 pairs provided that the T-VOL has
the same capacity as the S-VOL. If you need to perform Virtual LVI/LUN operations on an existing
SI390 S-VOL or T-VOL, you must delete the pair first to return the volume to simplex status.
Cache LUN XP. Cache LUN XP volumes can be assigned to SI390 pairs, and Cache LUN XP operations
can be performed on existing SI390 S-VOLs and T-VOLs.
For important information on performing quick restore operations on Cache LUN XP
volumes, see ”
Resynchronize Pair Operations (Normal, Quick, Reverse, Quick Restore)
TCz. TCz volumes can be assigned to SIz pairs and SIz volumes can be assigned to TCz pairs. For
important information on SI390 and TC390 shared volume configurations, refer to ”
ShadowImage and TrueCopy Operations
SI390 is recommended for intra-disk array copy operations. If SI390 is not installed,
TC390 (synchronous only) can be used to copy within the same
XP128/XP1024/XP10000/XP12000. This TC390 configuration requires at least one external
Fibre Channel interface cable loop (minimum of two is recommended).
HXRC. If SI390 S-VOLs and HXRC source volume (original data) share the same volumes, you cannot
perform the reverse resync or quick restore operation for those volumes. Do not use HXRC target
volumes (copied data) for SI390 volumes.
HP Auto LUN XP. SI390 volumes can be assigned to migration volumes of HP Auto LUN XP. However, if
the SI390 S-VOL is already paired with three T-VOLs, you must delete the SI390 pairs before migrating
the volumes by using Auto LUN XP. Also, if you want to assign SI390 volumes to destination volumes of
migration by using Auto LUN XP, or reserve SI390 volumes for Auto LUN XP, you must delete the SI390
volumes or unreserve SI390 volumes before using the volumes. If you assign an SI390 S-VOL that is
already paired with three T-VOLs to migration volumes of Auto LUN XP or assign SI390 volumes to
other Auto LUN XP volumes than migration volumes, the command will be rejected.
Also, if you split the SI390 pair that is assigned to Auto LUN XP migration volumes, migration of those
volumes will be canceled.
You cannot use migration volumes, destination volumes, and reserved volumes of Auto LUN
XP for SI390 pair operations because the command will be rejected. If you want to use Auto LUN
XP volumes for SI390 pair operations, you must release the volumes by using Auto LUN XP.
SANtinel - S/390. SANtinel operations do not directly affect SI390 operations. Secure LDEVs can be
assigned to SI390 pairs, and SI390 volumes can be secured. A secure LDEV will accept SI390 initial
and update copy operations. When an S-VOL is secured by SANtinel, this setting does not apply to the
corresponding T-VOLs. SANtinel T-VOLs cannot be accessed by any host except when the pair is split.
Combining ShadowImage and TrueCopy Operations
SI390 and TC390 can function together in the same XP128/XP1024/XP10000/XP12000 to provide both
internal and remote backup for your important data.
When SI390 and TC390 pairs share the same volume, to obtain the SI390 pair status, query from the
• The T-VOL status of the SI390 pair if the SI390 S-VOL and TC390 M-VOL share the same volume.
• The T-VOL status of the SI390 pair if the SI390 S-VOL and TC390 R-VOL share the same volume.
• The S-VOL status of the SI390 pair if the SI390 T-VOL and TC390 M-VOL share the same volume.