Releasing a version 2 relationship – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

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Figure 62 Set SCP Time Dialog Box

The following items are displayed in the Set SCP Time dialog box:

SCP Time(sec.) text box specifies the state-change-pending time in seconds (0 to 600 seconds).
The text box displays the state-change-pending time that is set to the CU selected in the FCv2
window by default. If multiple CUs are selected and the state-change-pending time that is set
to each CU is different, the text box will be blank by default.

The OK button closes the SCP Time dialog box and displays the changed state-change-pending
time in the FCv2 window. Note that if the SCP Time(sec.) text box is blank, the setting in the
SCP Time dialog box is invalid.

The Cancel button cancels the setting in the SCP Time dialog box and closes the dialog box.

Releasing a Version 2 Relationship

The following sections explain how to use various commands to withdraw Version 2 relationships.
You can use the FCESTABL command of the PPRC TSO commands, ICKDSF commands, or

macro commands to withdraw Version 2 relationships. See the following sections for

specific instructions:

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When many FlashCopy relationships are withdrawn at the same time for the storage

system shared with IBM OS and Fujitsu OS, the time-out will occur. Therefore, when planning to
withdraw a quantity of FlashCopy relationships, divide the tasks into small groups to minimize
time-out issues.

For instance, when you release 100 relationships or more, you should release relationships at
intervals of about five seconds per 100 relationships.

Releasing a Version 2 Relationship Using the TSO Command

The FCWITHDR command can be used to withdraw relationships established for copy operations
set either in COPY or NOCOPY mode.


If you use the FCWITHDR command a single time when deleting numerous

relationships, a timeout may occur on the host. Therefore, use the FCWITHDR command more than
one time when deleting a large number of relationships. After you execute the FCWITHDR command
one time, wait for a period of time before you execute the command again. For example, if you
execute the FCWITHDR command one time when deleting more than 700 relationships, wait for
approximately 5 seconds before you execute the command again.

(page 106)

shows the parameters you can use with the FCWITHDR command when you release

Version 2 relationships.

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