HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 121

In the Device list, right-click the external array you want to disconnect from the local array, and
select Disconnect Subsystem.
Figure 59 Disconnect array and check paths and restore volume commands
The selected external array appears in blue italics in the LU list and Device list, and appears in
the Preset list. To check details on the intended operations, right-click the setting in the Preset list,
and select Detail. To cancel settings, right-click the setting in the Preset list, and select Delete.
Click Apply. A confirmation message appears.
Click OK.
The Ex-Dev. Status column in the Device list changes to Cache Destaging. When XP External
Storage finishes writing data from cache to the external LU, the Ex-Dev. Status column changes
to Disconnect.
If errors occur during disconnect operations, failed settings and error codes appear in the Preset
list. To check error messages, right-click the failed setting, and select Detail.
To access the external array after executing the Disconnect Subsystem command, you must execute
the Check Paths & Restore Vol. command.
Disconnecting external LUs individually (Disconnect Volume)
In the LU Operation pane, select an external LU group number in the Device tree. Information
about external LUs in the selected external LU group appears in the Device list.
XP External Storage Software User Guide