HP Surestore NAS User Manual
Page 81

My new system does
not recognize that
there are arrays
The first time a newly ignited operating system is brought up, the NAS
web interface does not recognize the attached arrays. Read the Getting
Started - Part 2 section of this manual for information on how to get your
system to recognize the attached arrays.
Release Notes
The following late-breaking information supplements the HP NAS VA User's Guide and online
help. If information in the User's Guide conflicts with information presented here, the information
in this file should be considered correct.
Browser Issues
1. NFS Settings: Creating an NFS export allows access list to be assigned, but not
permissions. By default, the export will be accessible to all users providing 777
permission. To restrict permissions, go to console and use the chmod command. For
help on chmod, type: man chmod
2. CIFS Settings (Samba): If you are using Netscape Navigator as your web browser, you
are likely to have problems using the Samba web interface. The buttons at the top of the
page do not respond properly. A work around for this problem exists:
Click on the button you wish to select.
Then right click on the same button. A menu appears.
Select reload frame.
3. Managing Logical Vols/Volume Groups: When changes are made in the Quick Setup
and Advanced Setup Sections of the Storage tab, the results may not be automatically
updated. To ensure that the latest information is displaying, set your browser to:
Refresh a page every time it is visited
Bypass the proxy server for this IP address
4. CIFS Settings (Samba): Internet Explorer problem with using incorrect user name. If you
use the incorrect user name, you will be locked out of Samba. You need to close the
browser and reopen it.
5. NIS Settings: If you run into problems with NIS, be sure to check out the help
documentation for NIS Settings. The browser does not automatically change the
file. The help documentation provided describes how to manually edit the
file using the sam command. NIS changes made in the NAS web interface
will take effect upon the next reboot. If you are also setting up DNS, be sure to read the
item below, before proceeding. Changes to the nsswitch file using the sam command
can be done concurrently for NIS and DNS initial setup.
6. Domain Name Service (DNS): If you run into problems with DNS, be sure to check out
the help documentation for Domain Name Service (DNS). The browser does not
automatically change the nsswitch file. The help documentation provided describes
how to manually edit the nsswitch file using the sam command. If you are also making
NIS settings, be sure to read the item above before proceeding. Changes to the
file using the sam command can be done concurrently for NIS and DNS initial