HP Surestore NAS User Manual
Page 16

Use this table to help you plan your storage system.
1. Look up the total available storage space
Total available system storage
_____ GB
Take the figure from in the Unallocated
Column the Storage Array Summary of
the NAS web interface. See the Using the
NAS Web Interface section of this manual.
2. Calculate space for creating LUNs
Space for LUNs
LUN 1 _____ GB
LUN 2 _____ GB
LUN 3 _____ GB
and so forth
Recommended configuration: Use the full
amount of space available on the array in
1 LUN.
3. Verify total space for creating Volume Group(s)
Space available for Volume
VG 1 _____ GB
VG 2 _____ GB
VG 3 _____ GB
and so forth
Recommended configuration: Use the full
amount of space available on the array in
1 Volume Group.
4. Plan space to reserve for Snapshots
Snapshots are associated with a specific logical volume and must be created in the same volume group as that logical
volume. Therefore you must allocate enough space in each volume group to include all logical volumes and snapshots.
Snapshots are optional. You can add or resize a snapshot at a later time if there is enough free space available in the
logical volume.
5. Calculate space to be used in Logical Volumes and Snapshots
If you are using multiple volume groups, you must calculate the total space used in each. Make a copy of this section for
each volume group.
Using the numbers from step 3 above allocate the space to as many files volumes as you wish (max. 256 in each volume
Make sure to include enough space for snapshots, it you are using them on a particular logical volume.
Logical Volumes
in Volume Group ___
File Space
Snapshot Win Share/UNIX Export
a) Logical Volume 1
_____ GB
_____ GB
b) Logical Volume 2
_____ GB
_____ GB
c) Logical Volume 3
_____ GB
_____ GB
d) Logical Volume 4
_____ GB
_____ GB
e) Logical Volume 5
_____ GB
_____ GB
f) Logical Volume 6
_____ GB
_____ GB
g) Logical Volume 7
_____ GB
_____ GB
h) Logical Volume 8
_____ GB
_____ GB
i) Logical Volume 9
_____ GB
_____ GB
j) Logical Volume 10
_____ GB
_____ GB
k) Logical Volume 11
_____ GB
_____ GB
l) Logical Volume 12
_____ GB
_____ GB
_____ And so on
_____ GB
_____ GB
6. Verify total space for Snapshots and Logical Volumes for Each Volume Group
_____ GB
Total the lines in section 5. This number
should be equal to or less than line 1.
7. Define Shares/Exports
Identify which logical volumes (above) will
be Windows Shares or UNIX Exports.