Logically switching a database, Supported database products, Unsupported database products – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 21: Logically switching a, Database

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ServerNet Nomadic Disk Overview

ServerNet Nomadic Disk User’s Guide425485-001

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Logically Switching a Database

Logically Switching a Database

While a physical switch changes the connection of a device from one node to another
node, a logical switch allows the backup node to access a database after a physical
switch occurs. Logical switching fixes naming inconsistencies that arise when a
database is moved to a node with a different node name and node number.

Supported Database Products

Enscribe contains features that support logical switching. Before performing a logical
switch, review the following consideration:

Enscribe alternate-key files that reside on a Nomadic volume must not be created with a
node specified as in this example:


Before switching a Nomadic volume to a backup node for the first time, change the
Enscribe alternate-key file so that a node name is not specified. For example:


For more information about the Enscribe environment, refer to the Enscribe
Programmer’s Guide

Unsupported Database Products

The following are not supported by the ServerNet Nomadic Disk subsystem:

NonStop Transaction Manager/MP (TM/MP)

Compaq NonStop SQL/MP and products that depend on it such as distributed
systems management (DSM)/Tape Catalog and distributed systems
management/software configuration manager (DSM/SCM)

Open System Services (OSS)

Storage Management Foundation (SMF)