HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 487
empinfocat, 124
EmpInfoClient, 425
EmpInfoClient.java, 429
empinfosch, 124
EmpInfoService.aar, 421, 423
Employee.hbm.xml, 319, 342, 392, 407
Employee.java, 118, 338
EmployeeController, 107
EmployeeController.java, 108, 373, 375
EmployeeDao, 390
class, 122
EmployeeDao.java, 134, 391
Developing, 330
Adding Dependency JAR Files, 334
Creating Class File, 337
Creating Main Class, 339
Creating New Java Project, 331
Creating Package, 336
employeeinfocat, 348
employeeinfosch, 348
EmployeeRowMapper, 133
EmployeeRowMapper.java, 394
empUpdate.jsp, 453
EntityEmployee.java, 403
Environment.HBM2DDL_AUTO, 355
error-maximum-connection, 70, 194, 244, 312
Executor, 66, 190, 240, 308
Executor Element, 73, 196, 246, 315
f2cConversion, 202
faces-config.xml, 270, 459
FaultHandling, 184
Building, 185
Deploying, 185
Running, 185
Foreground, 281
getEmployeeDetail, 376
Global Configuration, 199
, 125
HandlerMapping, 103
Determining Maximum Capacity of NSJSP Instance,
EmployeeInfo, 329
Configuring iTP WebServer for Hibernate, 308
Configuring NSJSP for Hibernate, 312
Determining Application Parameters, 307
Installing Hibernate, 297
Copying, 299
Downloading, 297
Including Hibernate Dialect, 298
Hibernate Architecture, 289
Hibernate Dialect, 149, 319
Hibernate dialect, 151
Hibernate distribution, 299
Hibernate Entity Manager, 408
Hibernate Query Language (HQL), 340
Hibernate SessionFactory, 389, 405
hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd, 320
hibernate-entitymanager-3.2.0.zip, 408
hibernate.cfg.xml, 318, 345
hibernate.connection.catalog, 302
hibernate.connection.password, 301
hibernate.connection.schema, 302
hibernate.connection.username, 301
hibernate.properties, 301, 318, 346, 355
hibernate.root, 301
hibernate3sqlmx.jar, 48, 151
hibernatehome, 303
HTTP clients, 66, 190, 240, 308
HTTP cookies, 66, 190, 240, 308
httpd, 239, 292
httpd.config, 67, 191, 241, 309
IEmployeeDao.java, 374, 443
ImageController.java, 164
Changes to ImageController.java, 164
ImageDatabase.java, 164
Changes to ImageDatabase.java, 164
ImageDB, 59
Modified Files, 160
Deploying, 62
Running, 64
Setting, 61
imagedb.war, 61
imagedb_tables_script.sql, 61
imagedbcat, 62
imagedbsch, 62
include.jsp, 111
index.jsp, 458
Creating index.jsp, 95, 257
Modifying index.jsp, 98
insert.jsp, 109, 451
insertEmployee, 376
insertresult.jsp, 119
int empid, 444
Integrating Axis2/Java, 415
Integrating Hibernate, 387
Integrating JPA with Hibernate, 401
Integrating MyFaces, 439
Inversion of Control (IOC), 387
Item.hbm.xml, 322
Item.xml, 158
Changes to Item.xml, 158