HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 478

One of the most common reasons for this error is the use of “Reserved Words”.
There are a set of words reserved to be used by NonStop SQL/MX. To prevent
syntax errors, avoid using these words as identifiers in NonStop SQL/MX SQL
statements. In case you intend to use a reserved word as a column or table name,
you must enclose the reserved word in double quotes (") to access that column
or object.
I see "org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The endpoint reference (EPR) for the Operation
not found" error while running a web service on Axis2/Java. What can be the
This exception means that Axis2/Java could not find the service and the operation
that the request is headed to. The endpoint reference mentioned in the request
message is either invalid or empty. This led to a failure in selecting the intending
operation to be invoked.
Make sure that the request contains the information that Axis2/Java could use to
dispatch the request to the correct service and operation. Make sure that the
configurations in
file are as per the message body.
I have successfully deployed Axis2/Java
) under NSJSP. Why
am I experiencing the error message "There was a problem in Axis2 version service,
may be the service not available or some thing has gone wrong. But this does not
mean system is not working! Try to upload some other service and check to see
whether it is working " when I click on Validate link in the Axis2/Java Home
Make sure that the Version service exists on your system. On the home page,
click the Version link under the Services section and verify that the WSDL for
the Version service exists.
In case your version service is also not up, there were problems during the
deployment. Rebuild the Axis2/Java
file on your Windows system and
redeploy under NSJSP.
Why do I get a "ClassNotFound exception :
error when I run my Spring web application on a NonStop system?
The Spring framework uses the concept of Load Time Weaving (LTW). It is the
process of modification of byte code the moment a class is loaded from disk and
placed into memory by a class loader. Thereafter, the byte code is evaluated and,
if necessary, modified before it is made available to the application. The application
context file contains the reference of class loader to be used.
If the application context contains the reference for the class loader
), make sure that the
file is present in the
<NSJSP installation
I am using MyFaces for the application UI. Although I have used proper tags in
the JSP file, the view of the page is not as expected. What can be the reason for
Every JSF tag corresponds to a reference library. While using various JSF tags for
UI components of your applications, you must ensure that all the required JSF
tag libraries have been imported in the JSP file. For example: If you are using a
core JSF UI component, you must have the following lines in the beginning of
your JSP page to import the tag library of JSF core:
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"
Why do I get a "ClassNotFound exception :
my SASH applications on a NonStop system?
Frequently Asked Questions