Key features of myfaces – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
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processes of the iTP WebServer communicate with the NSJSP processes either
using Pathsend calls through TS/MP or directly with an NSJSP process using File System
calls. The first request is always routed to an NSJSP instance through TS/MP using Pathsend
calls. TS/MP determines the least loaded instance of NSJSP and routes the request to it.
Subsequent requests from the web client are either routed to a particular instance of NSJSP
through file system calls or are sent to an instance of NSJSP through TS/MP using Pathsend
For more information on Pathsend calls, see the HP NonStop TS/MP Pathsend and Server
Programming Manual.
The MyFaces application, which is an instance of NSJSP, processes the request and performs
validations based on user interface. If the request is for a database operation it connects to
SQL/MX database using JDBC.
MyFaces prepares the response.
The response is forwarded by the MyFaces application back to the NSJSP and iTP Webserver,
to be displayed to the user.
Because JDBC Type 2 is a dynamic-link library (DLL), it is loaded as a part of the MyFaces
application process. However, when the JDBC Type 4 driver is used, the JDBC process runs as
a separate process external to the MyFaces application process.
Key Features of MyFaces
The key features offered by the Apache MyFaces framework are as follows:
Simplified user interface creation
You can create user interfaces easily with a built in user interface component library. This
library handles complexities of user interface management such as, input validation,
management of component-state, navigation of pages, and handling events. It offers a variety
of tags to facilitate the creation of complex UI for an enterprise application.
Extensible user interfaces
JSF facilitates the development of GUI for web applications by enabling you to work with
extensible user interfaces, such as buttons, text boxes, check boxes, and so on. You must
write the code only for a particular event (such as clicking a button) and not for the processing
logic for request and response.
Distinct presentation and logic
One of the advantages of MyFaces is that it separates the presentation layer and the business
logic in an enterprise application. Therefore, you can develop individual modules with the
least number of dependencies, thereby leading to a short development cycle.
An extensible architecture
You can include additional functionalities in JSF to customize the JSF core to customize the
functionality by extending the existing JSF architecture. JSF UI components can be customized
and reused. You can also extend the standard components and create your own complex
components, such as calendar, menu bar, and so on.
MyFaces Overview