Index – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual

Page 485

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$datavol, 50
$RECEIVE, 66, 190, 240, 308
-DSaveSessionOnCreation, 70, 194, 244, 312
-DSessionBasedLoadBalancing, 71, 194, 244, 313
-Xmx, 75, 199, 249, 317
-Xmx maximum-stack-size, 75, 199, 249, 317
-Xnoclassgc, 76, 199, 249, 318
-Xss, 75, 199, 249, 317
/etc, 149
/insert.htm, 103
/servlet_jsp/EmpInfo, 399
16-processor, 68, 192, 242, 310
<$datavol>, 56, 61, 302
, 377
, 179, 420
, 154
, 112
, 113
, 161
, 151
, 252
, 151, 152
, 276
, 268
, 268
, 408
, 297
, 345
, 319
, 45, 179, 229, 297
, 261, 461
, 229
, 276
, 56, 61, 302
, 179
, 297
, 229
, 50
, 45
, 51, 413
/conf/server.xml, 66, 190,

240, 308

, 153
, 153
, 151
, 260
, 100
, 101
, 318, 346
, 187
, 187
, 45, 420
/lib/c3p0, 85

, 56, 61, 302
, 377

, 56, 61, 302

, 260
, 260
, 100, 260
@Basic, 403
@Entity, 403
@Id, 403
\bin, 180
\conf, 180
\db, 48, 54
\dbconfig, 300
\dbi, 59
\dist, 46
\dlib, 233
\doc, 298
\docs, 46
\eg, 298
\etc, 48, 298
\lib, 46, 180, 230, 298
\org, 301
\repository\modules, 180
\repository\services, 180
\samples, 46, 180
\setup, 300
\src, 48, 54, 60, 233
\war, 48, 54, 60
\webapp, 180
\WebContent, 233


Adding Dependency JAR Files, 261
Ant, 32
AOP Configurations, 376
AOP Proxy Factory Bean, 377
Apache C3P0, 327
Apache C3P0, 327
Apache JMeter, 66, 190, 240, 308
API package, 326
applicationContext-hibernate.xml, 154

Changes to applicationContext-hibernate.xm, 154

applicationContext.xml, 76, 121, 162, 373, 389, 418

Changes to applicationContext.xml, 162

archive file (.aar), 200
Arglist, 70, 194, 244, 312
auctioncat, 302
auctionsch, 302
autoDeploy, 29
Average Load, 65, 189, 239, 307
Average Response Time, 65, 189, 239, 307


, 180

axis2.xml, 199
Axis2/Java, 179, 201

Configuring, 189

Configuring iTP WebServer for Axis2/Java, 190


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