Components in a spring application on nonstop, Web clients, Tcp/ip subsystem – HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual

Page 39: Ts/mp pathmon process, Web clients tcp/ip subsystem ts/mp pathmon process

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Spring ORM

The Spring Object Relational Mapping (ORM) module enables you to integrate several
popular ORM tools, such as Hibernate and Java Persistence API (JPA). These ORM tools are
conformant with the generic transaction and DAO exception hierarchies in Spring.

Java Enterprise Edition

The Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) Context Package includes APIs that can be leveraged by
a Spring context file. The context information provided to the Spring framework is defined
in the Spring context configuration file. This file includes enterprise services, such as email,
internalization, validation, and scheduling functionalities.

Spring Web

The Spring web framework enables you to use Java Server Faces (JSF), JavaServer Pages
(JSP), Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), and other modes to provide
the view. The web package in Spring provides basic web-oriented integration features, such
as initialization of the IoC container using servlet listeners and a web-oriented application

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) model in Spring is used for building web applications.
It is configurable using strategy interfaces, and provides separation between business logic
and user interface validations.

Components in a Spring Application on NonStop

On NonStop systems, a Spring application is deployed as a web application in NonStop Servlets
for JavaServer Pages (NSJSP). Basic components of Spring applications on NonStop systems are
as follows:

Web Clients

TCP/IP Subsystem


iTP WebServer

NonStop Servlets for JavaServer Pages

JDBC Drivers for NonStop SQL/MX

NonStop SQL/MX

Web Clients

Web clients, such as browsers, are programs that provide a graphical user interface and can
communicate directly with the iTP WebServer.

TCP/IP Subsystem

The TCP/IP subsystem uses the TCP/IP protocol to allow processes on a NonStop system to
communicate with each other.

The following types of TCP/IP versions are available on HP Integrity NonStop systems:

Conventional TCP/IP


For more information on conventional TCP/IP, see the TCP/IP Configuration and Management

For more information on TCP/IPv6, see the TCP/IPv6 Configuration and Management Manual.


The PATHMON process provides centralized monitoring and control of a TS/MP environment
comprising server classes and objects types.

Components in a Spring Application on NonStop


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