AltiGen comm ACM 5.1 User Manual

Page 374

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Chapter 6: Microsoft Exchange Integration


AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual

To verify requirements, do the following, as necessary:

1. To check the Windows version, click the Start button, select Run, type winver in

the Run dialog box, and click OK. This opens an About Windows dialog box that
displays the version of Windows running on your system.

2. To check the AltiWare version, select About from the Help menu of AltiWare

Administrator. The version displayed should be AltiWare ACM 5.1 or higher.

3. To check the Exchange Server version, click About in the Exchange Administrator.
4. To check the domain name on each system:

In Windows 2000, go to Start


Control Panel > Network. The Identification

tab of the Network dialog box displays the Domain name.

In Windows 2003 and Windows XP, right-click My Computer and choose
Properties. In the System Properties dialog box, the Domain name is displayed
on the Computer Name tab.

The Domain names need to be the same on the two systems.

5. To verify AltiGen Services:

a. On the system running AltiWare, go to Services:

In Windows 2000, select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools >

In Windows XP, select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools >

In Windows 2003, select Start > Administrative Tools > Services.

A Windows Services window opens, as in this example.

Figure 1. Windows Services window

b. Select AltiGen Exchange Integration Service COM Server, right-click and

select Properties.

A Service startup options dialog box opens: