Configuring call recording – AltiGen comm ACM 5.1 User Manual
Page 126

Chapter 3: Call Recording Configuration
AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual
trk(bbcc) for an inbound trunk call without caller ID. bb is the board logical ID
and cc is the channel ID
calleeID is the target number or trk(bbcc)
workgroupID is the workgroup number for a workgroup call, or ext for extension
DNIS is the DNIS number or NA for no DNIS number
sessionID is the CDR session ID
Configuring Call Recording
To configure system-wide call recording, including centralized recording for multiple
gateways, do one of the following:
Click the Recording
button on the toolbar.
Select System > Call Recording Configuration.
The Recording Configuration window opens:
Figure 1. Recording Configuration window
Call recording options for specific extensions/workgroups can be set up on the
General tab of Extension Configuration and Workgroup Configuration,
To Enable and Configure Centralized Recording
1. Check the Enable Centralized Recording check box.
2. Select a Recording Type from the drop-down list.
3. In the Central Location field, browse for the directory you want to set as the
destination folder and path for saving the call recordings.