Show time, Show timezone, Show time parameters – Avaya P333T User Manual

Page 61: Show time show timezone show time parameters, E 45

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Chapter 6

CLI – Layer 2

Avaya P333T User’s Guide


show time

Use the

show time

command to display the current stack time.

The syntax for this command is:

show time

Output Example:

P330-N> show time

10:32:34 27 JAN 2000 GMT

show timezone

Use the

show timezone

command to display the current stack timezone.

The syntax for this command is:

show timezone

Output Example:

P330-N> show timezone

Timezone set to 'GMT', offset from UTC is 0 hours

show time parameters

Use the

show time parameters

command to display the status and


The syntax for this command is:

show time parameters

Output Example:

P330-N> show time parameters

Current time: L:02:49:11 02 JAN 1999 isl

Timezone set to ’isl’, offset from UTC is 2 hours


Time acquired from Time-Server:

Time protocol set to: TIME protocol

• dir

Displays the file types that have been
downloaded to the module.

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