Cop y – Canon PowerShot S110 User Manual
Page 340
SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards
Memory cards
Self-timer ........................................... 107
2-second self-timer ...................... 108
Customizing the self-timer ........... 108
Face self-timer
(shooting mode) .......................... 157
Wink self-timer
(shooting mode) .......................... 155
Sending images ................................... 75
Maximum number of images that
can be sent together ..................... 75
Resize ..................................... 75, 76
Sending individually ...................... 75
Sending multiple images ............... 76
Sepia tone images ..................... 144, 177
Servo AF ............................................ 187
Shadow Correct ................................. 173
Shooting date/time Date/time
Shooting information ........... 210, 314
Slideshow .......................................... 234
Adding target device ..................... 50
CameraWindow ............................. 50
Changing privacy settings ............. 53
Privacy settings ............................. 52
Smart Shuffle ..................................... 235
Smart Shutter (shooting mode) ......... 154
Smile (shooting mode)....................... 154
Snow (shooting mode)....................... 138
Soft focus (shooting mode)................ 149
DIGITAL CAMERA Solution Disk .... 2
Installation ..................................... 29
Saving images to a computer ........ 29
Sounds .............................................. 262
Stereo AV cable ................................. 281
Stitch Assist (shooting mode) ............ 160
Strap ................................................ 2, 14
Super slow motion movie
(movie mode)..................................... 162
Super vivid (shooting mode) .............. 142
Terminal ..................... 281, 284, 285, 286
Touch Actions ............ 49, 53, 55, 63, 248
Touch AF............................................ 188
Touch Shutter .....................................110
Toy camera effect (shooting mode) ... 148
Traveling with the camera ......... 264, 278
Troubleshooting ................................. 304
TV display .......................................... 281
Tv (shooting mode)............................ 202
Underwater (shooting mode) ............. 138
Viewing ................................................ 24
Image search .............................. 225
Index display ............................... 224
Magnified display ........................ 233
Single-image display ..................... 24
Slideshow .................................... 234
Smart Shuffle .............................. 235
TV display ................................... 281
Web services
Adding target device ..................... 45
Connection .................................... 48
Display order ................................. 48
Maximum number of mail
addresses ...................................... 48
White balance (color)......................... 174
Widescreen (resolution)..................... 124
Wi-Fi .................................................... 36
CameraWindow display ................ 69