Setting the focus, Setting the exposure, Setting the focus -12 – Canon VB-M700F User Manual

Page 106: Setting the exposure -12, S, see “setting the focus, P. 7-12)

background image




Adjusting the Smart Shade Control
When smart shade control is [On], set one of the 7

levels from [1] (weak) to [7] (strong).

Example: If the background is bright and the subject is

hard to see, this function brightens dark areas to make

the subject clearer.

In comparison to backlight compensation, smart shade

control can reduce overexposure of bright areas.


• When [On] is selected for smart shade control, the image file

size increases.

• When [On] is selected for smart shade control, screen noise

may increase. If noise is noticeable, lower the control level.

Setting the Focus

Select [Manual] or [Fixed at Infinity] for focus setting.


: You can adjust the focus manually

by pushing the

(far) and

(near) buttons.

Clicking [One-shot AF] will use

autofocus to focus on a subject and

then stop in manual focus.

[Fixed at Infinity] : You can set the focus so that it is

fixed near infinity.

Setting the Exposure

You can set various options relating to exposure



Exposure Mode
Select from [Auto], [Manual], [Auto (Flickerless)] or

[Auto (Shutter-priority AE)].

If [Auto] is selected for [Day/Night] under [Camera] in

the Setting page (P. 5-10), select [Auto], [Auto

(Flickerless)] or [Auto (Shutter-priority AE)].

For an explanation on each item set in the exposure

mode, see the setting page (P. 5-9).


[Exposure Compensation]
When [Auto], [Auto (Flickerless)] or [Auto (Shutter-

priority AE)] is selected for the exposure mode, the

exposure compensation value desired can be selected

from seven levels (-3 to +3) using the applicable


To darken the image, select a negative value. To

brighten the image, select a positive value.


[Metering Mode]
When [Auto], [Auto (Flickerless)] or [Auto (Shutter-

priority AE)] is selected for the exposure mode, the

metering mode can be selected from [Center-

Weighted], [Average] or [Spot].

The entire screen is metered by focusing on the

center of the screen.

Even when slightly darker/brighter areas are present

on the periphery of the screen, an appropriate

exposure can be achieved for the subject near the


Use this mode if the subject is positioned near the

center of the screen.


• Use focus operations in the Admin Viewer for temporarily

checking subjects at other focal points. To fix a long-term
focal point, use the Camera Angle Setting Tool.

• If it is set in the Admin Viewer, the same focus mode will

occur in the viewers of other users also.

• Setting the shutter speed at 1/1 to 1/4 in manual exposure

(P. 7-12) will disable the [One-shot AF] focus mode. Switch
the focus to [Manual] and adjust it to your subject.

• Refer to the notes on P. 3-7 for focus ranges when Night

Mode (P. 5-10, P. 7-14) is enabled.


Smart Shade


BLC (Back Light


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