West Control Solutions N8840 User Manual
Page 27

The variable to be monitored can be selected seperately for each alarm via
The following variables can be monitored:
w process value
w control deviation xw (process value - set-point)
w control deviation xw + suppression after start-up or set-point change
After switching on or set-point changing, the alarm output is suppressed,
until the process value is within the limits for the first time. At the latest after
expiration of time 10 ti1, the alarm is activated. (ti1 = integral time 1;
parameter r Cntr)
If ti1 is switched off (ti1 = OFF), this is interpreted as Î, i.e. the alarm
is not activated, before the process value was within the limits once.
w Measured value INP1
w Measured value INP2
w Measured value INP3
w effective set-point Weff
w correcting variable y (controller output)
w Deviation from SP internal
w Process value - x2
If measured value monitoring + alarm status storage is chosen ( ConF / Lim /
Fnc.x = 2/4), the alarm relay remains switched on until the alarm is resetted in
the error list ( Lim 1..3 = 1).
8840 profiler
Alarm handling