B.62 [source:]list:query? query, B.63 [source:]list:repeat command, B.64 [source:]list:resolution? query – KEPCO BOP 1KW-MG Operator Manual, Firmware Ver.2.38 to 2.47 User Manual

Page 167: B.65 [source:]list:sample:current command, B.62, Sour, B.63, B.64, B.65, List:quer

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BOP-1K 080709





Short Form: LIST:QUER?

Long Form: LIST:QUERy?

Return Value:

Description: Identifies first location to be queried by LIST:VOLT?, LIST:CURR?, LIST:DWEL? queries.

Related Commands: LIST:QUER, LIST:CURR?, LIST:DWEL?. LIST:QUER?. (See example, Figure B-5.)




Short Form: LIST:REP ,,
Long Form: LIST:REPeat ,,

is start point to be copied
is end point to be copied
is a series of comma separated values representing the new
programmed current (Amps) for current list, or programmed voltage (Volts) for voltage list.

Description: Copies points from existing list using the same dwell times, but different output settings. Cop-

ies the contents of the dwell entries in the list from the start point to the end point and adds them to the
end of the list. The setting value for each copied point is defined by the value in the array. This process
is repeated until either a) an invalid programmed current or voltage is found, b) the all entries in the
array have been copied or c) the list is full.
This command must be preceded by LIST:CURR or LIST:VOLT command and the starting and end
point values must be valid, otherwise a -221 “Settings conflict” error results. The entries on the dwell
list must match the values in the current or voltage list, otherwise a -226 “Not Same Length” error
results. (See Figures B-6 and B-7.)

B.64 [SOURce:]LIST:RESolution? QUERY



Short Form: LIST:RES?

Long Form: LIST:RESolution?

Return Value: ,,
(where and = clock period, = number of points to be used)

Description: Identifies whether resolution is set to minimum (3933) or maximum (5900) and indicates the

clock period. The resolution (3933 or 5900) determines the maximum number of points that will be
used for the waveform. and indicate the boundaries of acceptable dwell times:
e.g., if LIST:RES? returns either 0.000093,0.034000,3933 or 0.034000,0.000093,5900 dwell times
faster than 93 microseconds and slower than 34 milliseconds will not be accepted.




Short Form: LIST:SAMP:CURR average,value

Long Form: LIST:SAMPle:CURRent average,value


= number of measurements = integer: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256

= programmed current (Amps) for current list, or programmed voltage (Volts) for voltage list.

Description: Samples output current. is either programmed current in Amperes, or programmed voltage

in Volts. can only be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256. Entering a number other than those

permitted results in the average being set to the next lowest permitted number. The actual number of

points added to the list is . The samples are taken within the window established by

age>. The timing of the first sample is not exact. The sample duration must be established by the

LIST:SET:SAMP command, otherwise a -221 ”Settings conflict” error will result

This command must be preceded by LIST:CURR, LIST:VOLT or LIST:SET:SAMPLE command, other-

wise a -221 ”Settings conflict” error will result. The entries on the dwell list must match the values on

the current or voltage list, otherwise a -226 “Not Same Length” error will result. Only eight samples

may be taken in a list. If more than eight LIST:SAMP:CURR or LIST:SAMP:VOLT commands are

included in the list, a -223 “Too Much data“ error results. Also, note that each sample uses one of the

points in the waveform table; if the total number of points in the waveform exceeds 3933, -223 “Too

Much data“ error results. (See Figures B-6 and B-7.)