Figure 4-1. calibration setup, Calibration setup -6 – KEPCO BOP 1KW-MG Operator Manual, Firmware Ver.2.38 to 2.47 User Manual

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BOP-1K 080709

2. For FULL SCALE calibration adjust the output to obtain the closest value above

the nominal full scale value.

3. Set the unit for local sensing with GND Network in (see Figure 4-1) and discon-

nect load from BOP output to prepare the unit for voltage calibration.


1. Initiate calibration by sending the SCPI command SYSTem:PASSword:CENable DEFAULT

and then send CAL:STATe 1. The password DEFAULT has been set at the factory. If the
password has been changed from DEFAULT, substitute the correct password for the unit in
the SYST:PASS:CEN command. If the password has been lost, consult factory.

2. Set the BOP to zero volts output by sending CAL:VOLT ZERO. Connect a Digital Voltmeter

(DVM) to the BOP OUT S and COM S terminals to measure the output voltage. Send
CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3c) to adjust the BOP output until the DVM
reads as close to zero as possible within tolerance specified in Table 4-3 for VOLTAGE

3. Set the BOP to maximum positive output voltage by sending CAL:VOLT MAX. Measure the

voltage output using the DVM. To adjust, send CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR.
4.3b) until the DVM reading is as close as possible above the nominal full scale value within
the tolerance specified in Table 4-3 for +FULL SCALE VOLTAGE.

4. Set the BOP to maximum negative output voltage by sending CAL:VOLT MIN. To adjust,

send the CAL:DATA command as needed (see PAR. 4.3b) until the reading is as close as
possible above (absolute value) the nominal full scale value within the limits specified in
Table 4-3 for –FULL SCALE VOLTAGE.

5. Send CAL:VPR MAX to adjust the maximum positive voltage protection limit of the power

supply. Send the CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3c) until the reading is as
close as possible above the nominal full scale value within the limits specified in Table 4-3 for

6. Send CAL:VPR MIN to adjust the maximum negative protection limit of the power supply.

Send the CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3c) until the reading is as close as
possible above (absolute value) the nominal full scale value within the limits specified in
Table 4-3 for –FULL SCALE VPR LIMIT.