2 making sure the previous command is complete, Making sure the previous command is complete -17 – KEPCO BHK-MG 40W (Half Rack) Series User Manual

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BHK-1/2-MG 121313


1. Minimize programmed mode (voltage or current) changes. Unless absolutely required by the

test parameters, allow the power supply to automatically switch modes as determined by the
load. This will improve response time and reduce undesirable transients.

2. For MAT/MBT units only, once the mode (voltage or current) is chosen and programmed,

program the active parameter to zero and the complementary limit parameter to the maxi-
mum anticipated for the application. Then program only the active parameter. The active
parameter is the parameter that controls the output, e.g., voltage controls the output in volt-
age mode.

3. Never program both the active and complementary limit parameters to zero. This can result

in long response times. With this in mind, avoid using *RST unless absolutely necessary
(e.g., at the end of a program, or for an emergency). Set the active parameter to zero and the
complementary limit parameter to minimum, e.g., 1% of maximum, to ensure that the active
mode is defined.

4. For units with relays (e.g., MAT/MBT/MST) avoid sending OUTP ON and OUTP OFF unnec-

essarily to reduce wear and tear and extend the life of the relays.


Some SCPI commands require a flash memory update and can take an indeterminate amount
on time to complete. These commands are:

• *SAV

When sending these via the GPIB, these commands require a query to be added to the com-
mand string to verify the previous command is complete. When the command is complete, the
unit updates the status byte and indicates MAV (Message Available, bit 4 - see Table A-3) is
true. MAV indicates that there is a response to be received by the computer, so when it
becomes set, the unit is ready for its next command after reading back the data from the query
that was added to the command string.

When sending the above commands via the RS 232 bus, data flow control must be enabled
(XON) using the SYST:COMM:SER:PACE command (see PAR. B.75) must be enabled for the
unit to properly update flash memory.

The *OPC? query is ideal to check if the previous command is complete since it returns either a
1 or 0. It is important that it be sent as a part of the same string as the command that causes a
flash update. As an example, sending CAL:SAVE 12/31/2005;:*opc? or *opc?;:CAL:SAVE
12/31/2005 are valid command strings. Sensing the commands separately will not verify that the
previous command is complete. Figure 3-2 is a program written in C, incorporating these tech-