Spectra Precision ProMark Field Software User Manual

Page 15

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2. Tap on the

Units tab located at the bottom of the screen

and select the distance (linear) units you wish to use.
Choose between “kilometers/meters”, “miles/feet” and
“miles/US feet”.

3. Tap on the

View tab and choose one of the two available

options to orientate the map:

North Up: Map orientation is fixed. The top of the map
screen will always give the North direction.

Course Up: Map orientation will change as you walk.
The map will rotate in order to have your course always
orientated upward on the map screen. This option
cannot be used if a georeferenced background map is

4. Tap on the

Feature Codes tab. Use this tab to name all

types of points you will be surveying with your receiver
(e.g. pavement, fence, etc.). Then as you work in the field,
it will be easy for you to associate a feature code with each
of the points you will be surveying.

Tap on the

Add button to add a new feature code and then


OK to validate the new entry. Repeat this operation as

many times as necessary. Feature codes are stored in a
separate file, independently of jobs, and so are available
for use in any new job you create.

5. Tap on the

Tolerances tab. Use this tab to set the upper

limits of error on the position solution, both along the
horizontal and vertical axes. There is a third field allowing
you to set separately the tolerated horizontal error for all
staked points.

In practice, tolerance settings will trigger error messages
whenever you try to log a point with current HRMS and
VRMS values higher than the set tolerances. Error
message [1] will appear in this case (see below). In
addition, error message [2] (see below) will appear if you
attempt to stake out a point that is not found within the
acceptance circle (stakeout tolerance).

6. Tap on the

Voice tab. Use this tab to enable or disable the

voice guidance function.

