Lincoln Electric IM8001 PRODUCTION MONITORING 2.2 User Manual
Page 78

Overview of Reports
Chapter 5. Using Production Monitoring™
Production Monitoring™ User Manual
Simply make your selections and click Save. The report automatically regenerates and displays the data
based on your selections. As long as you have “cookies” enabled on your browser, the system saves your
criteria until you enter new selections, you clear the cookies or the cookies expire.
Report Links
Some reports have links built into the data that, when you click the link, take you to another report. The
other report usually provides you with more in-depth information about the data point. You can tell an
item has more information if the text appears as a hyperlink (Figure 5.6).
Figure 5.6 Report Links
For example, in Figure 5.6, the Grid report on the Production tab shows the data in the Period column
underlined. This means that there is a link to another report. Click this link to generate a Grid report on the
Weld Listing tab for that specific period (page 5.21).
Report Page Numbers
When all the data for a report cannot fit on a single page, Production Monitoring™ displays a page
navigator at the bottom of the report (Figure 5.7).
Figure 5.7 Report Page Numbers
Click the page number to move to that page of data on the report. To navigate to the next set of pages,
click the ellipsis ( ... ) after the last page number. Production Monitoring™ also tells you how many pages
are in the report, as well as how many records.