Requirements and limitations, Server computer requirements – Lincoln Electric IM8001 PRODUCTION MONITORING 2.2 User Manual
Page 122

Archive of Data from the Database
Appendix A. Additional Information
Production Monitoring™ User Manual
Column Heading
0x0200 Low-Time
0x0100 Time
Power High (Not Used)
Power Low (Not Used)
Wire Feed Speed High
Wire Feed Speed Low
0x0008 Volts
0x0004 Volts
0x0002 Amps
0x0001 Amps
This is the amount of delay that was used for the beginning of this weld. The
Start Delay is an option set in the Weld Profile and is the amount of time (in
seconds) that Production Monitoring™ will wait, directly after the start of a
weld, until the limits entered for the Weld Profile begin to be applied. This
option is necessary because the start of a weld is often unpredictable and
may fall out of limits easily.
For more in-depth details on Start Delay, please refer to the Power Wave®
Manager User Manual.
This is the amount of delay used at the end of this weld. The End Delay is an
option set in the Weld Profile and is the amount of time (in seconds) directly
before the end of a weld that Production Monitoring™ stops applying the
limits entered for the Weld Profile. This option is necessary because, at the
end of a weld, the set points for the Welding Power Source are often
different than the rest of the weld (e.g., if the Welding Power Source is in a
burn-back state).
This column represents the density of the consumable in the Welding Power
Source at the time of this weld. The person who adds the consumable to the
Welding Power Source uses the Power Wave® Manager software to tell the
Welding Power Source how much and what type of wire was loaded. They
select the density here as well. The system uses the wire density in its
calculation of the how much material was deposited to make this weld.
The WireDiameter column displays the diameter of the wire used for this
individual weld. The person who adds the consumable to the Welding Power
Source uses the Power Wave® Manager software to tell the Welding Power
Source how much and what type of wire was loaded. They enter the wire’s
diameter here as well. The system uses the wire diameter in its calculation of
how much material was deposited to make this weld.