Lincoln Electric IM8001 PRODUCTION MONITORING 2.2 User Manual
Page 58

Shift Schedule Configuration
Chapter 4. Production Monitoring™ Administration
Production Monitoring™ User Manual
Figure 4.10 Configuring Shift Schedules
To access the Shift Schedule for Production Monitoring™, select System > Shift Schedule on the
Administration page. The Production Monitoring™ Shift Schedule is designed to accommodate both simple
and complex Shift Schedules, providing the flexibility to match your company’s schedule.
You will either edit the Default Shift Schedule or create
additional Shift Schedules, depending on your needs.
For example: Advanced Manufacturing has a simple daily Shift Schedule with three shifts. However, United
Engineering down the street has a complex weekly Shift Schedule with three shifts Monday through Friday,
two shifts on Saturday, and one shift on Sunday.
Next Production Day
The concept of “Next Production Day” in Production Monitoring™ relates to a shift that crosses the
midnight threshold of a calendar day and the data generated during that time period. For the welds that
were performed during this type of shift, the system needs to know how you want to include that data on
reports in relation to dates. When you set up the shift schedule, there is a checkbox called Next Production
Day that appears when the shift time crosses that midnight threshold. This checkbox controls how the
weld data appears on the reports.
For example, the first shift of the “production” day at United Engineering actually begins at 11:00 PM the
previous calendar day. Any welds that were performed during the part of the shift before midnight on
February 1 need to be included with the data collected after midnight on February 2 (i.e., the next
production day). With a check mark in the Next Production Day checkbox on that first shift, if any users
generate a report for February 2, those welds performed from 11:00 PM to midnight on February 1 will also
be included.
Alternatively, the third shift of the “production” day at Advanced Manufacturing actually ends at 7:00 AM
the next calendar day. Any welds that were performed during the part of the shift after midnight on
February 2 need to be included with the data collected before midnight on February 1 (i.e., the same
production day). With NO check mark in the Next Production Day checkbox on that third shift, if any users
generate a report for February 1, those welds performed from midnight to 7:00 AM on February 2 will also
be included.