Shift schedule configuration – Lincoln Electric IM8001 PRODUCTION MONITORING 2.2 User Manual
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Chapter 4. Production Monitoring™ Administration
Shift Schedule Configuration
Production Monitoring™ User Manual
Deleting Welding Power Sources and Groups
You can delete either a Welding Power Source entry or a Group entry if necessary. Simply select the Group
or Welding Power Source and click Delete Asset under Asset Properties on the right.
Welding Power Source or a Group also deletes all
data collected for those welders. You cannot undo this
action. If you want to keep the data, choose to hide the
entries instead. See page 4.8 for more information.
If you delete a Group, you also delete all Welding Power
Sources that are under that Group. You cannot undo this
Figure 4.9 Delete an Asset
The system prompts you to confirm that you want to delete the asset. Click Yes if you are sure you want to
permanently remove the Group or Welding Power Source.
Shift Schedule Configuration
When a Welding Power Source records that a weld was made, it only knows the date and time and the
statistics of the weld. It doesn’t know that the weld occurred during what you consider “Second Shift”
unless you tell the system what time range during the day “Second Shift” occurs. The Shift Schedule is
where you communicate this to Production Monitoring™.
A Shift is a block of time for identifying data to a team.
Shifts must be greater than 0 seconds long and less than 24
hours long.