Lincoln Electric IM8001 PRODUCTION MONITORING 2.2 User Manual

Page 56

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Managing the Asset Tree

Chapter 4. Production Monitoring™ Administration


Production Monitoring™ User Manual


Enabling/Disabling Data Collection from a Welding Power Source

At times, you might want to disable collecting data from a Welding Power Source. For example, if you are
doing testing or maintenance with the Welding Power Source and do not want the data from this activity to
be included in the Production Monitoring™ data. You can disable Production Monitoring™ for that power
source for the duration.

Figure 4.8 Enable Data Collection

Enabling Data Collection

When you add a new Welding Power Source to the Asset Tree, the system automatically enables data
collection for you. If you have disabled the data collection and need to turn it back on, simply click the
Welding Power Source in the Asset Tree to select it and place a check mark in the Enable Data
Collection on Welder
checkbox under Asset Configuration (Figure 4.8). Click the Save Changes button
at the top.

Disabling Data Collection

To turn off data collection for the Welding Power Source, simply click the Welding Power Source in
the Asset Tree to select it and remove the check mark from the Enable Data Collection on Welder
checkbox under Asset Configuration (Figure 4.8). Click the Save Changes button at the top.

Moving Welding Power Sources and Groups

You can easily move a Welding Power Source entry or a Group entry to another location in the Asset Tree.
This can happen for any number of reasons, including adding the Welding Power Source to the wrong
Group, moving the power source on the production floor or changing Groups around.

To move a Welding Power Source or a Group of power sources, simply drag-and-drop the entries wherever
you need them to be.