Appendix a additional information, Archive of data from the database – Lincoln Electric IM8001 PRODUCTION MONITORING 2.2 User Manual
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Production Monitoring™ User Manual
Appendix A
Additional Information
Archive of Data from the Database
Production Monitoring™ uses the Microsoft SQL Server Express database and has a limited storage
capacity. There are essentially two tables in Production Monitoring™: weld history and event history. The
system checks the number of each type of record. When each table reaches 250,000 records, the system
automatically removes the oldest data. With the weld history data, the system saves those old records in
an archive file. Limiting the number of records in the database maintains the performance of the system,
which makes generating reports more efficient.
If you find the you’ve outgrown the database capacity in
Production Monitoring™, we encourage you to upgrade to
CheckPoint™. For more information, please contact Lincoln
Electric Production Monitoring™ support. In the USA and
Canada, dial 1.800.691.5797. The direct dial number is
1.727.786.0121. The e-mail address is
Archive Frequency
Once an hour, Production Monitoring™ checks if the number of weld records in the database has reached
the 250,000 limit. If it has, the system creates a Microsoft® Excel CSV file containing the oldest 60,000
records. Then it deletes the 60,000 records from the database. When the weld history is archived from the
database, the system saves the CSV file in the directory: C:\Program Files\Lincoln Electric\Production
Once a day, the system checks to see if the number of fault records has reached the 250,000 limit. If it has,
then the oldest 60,000 records will be deleted from the database. The system does not archive these into a
file like the weld history records.
Archive File Name Format
The file name will be in the format PM-StartTime-EndTime.csv, where StartTime is the date and time of the
first weld in the file, and EndTime is the date and time of the last weld in the file. Both times are in the
format: YYYYMMDDHHmmss, where:
YYYY = Year
MM = Month
DD =
HH = Hour (24-hour format)
mm =
ss =