Serial numbers, Weld duration – Lincoln Electric IM8001 PRODUCTION MONITORING 2.2 User Manual
Page 126

Archive of Data from the Database
Appendix A. Additional Information
Production Monitoring™ User Manual
Column Heading
Serial Numbers
This is the operator’s ID number. When an operator begins welding on a
Welding Power Source, his or her ID number or badge number is entered into
the Welding Power Source, either through Power Wave® Manager or another
method. This column displays that ID or badge number of the person
operating the Welding Power Source during the weld.
The ConsumableSerialNumber column displays the lot code of the wire or
other consumable entered in the Welding Power Source at the time the weld
was made. The lot code comes from a variety of sources, depending if a
person enters the number in the Power Wave® Manager manually or if the
information is transmitted automatically.
Weld Duration
This column simply displays the high end of the time limit for the weld that
was set in the Weld Profile used to make the weld.
This column simply displays the low end of the time limit for the weld that
was set in the Weld Profile used to make the weld.
Based on the minimum and maximum time limits set for the Weld Profile
used on this weld, if the weld didn’t take long enough, or it took too long, the
IsOutOfLimits column will be 1. Otherwise, the value will be 0.