Teledyne LeCroy PETracer Summit and Summit T2-16 PCIe User Manual User Manual

Page 240

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Summit User Manual




pane checkbox 192
Pattern Format section 166
Payload 199
payload pattern match 150
Payload Properties dialog box 147
Payload size 212
Payload tab 150
PCI Express 16-lane advanced verification system
PCI Express Spec 2.0 7
PCI Express Spec 2.1 5
PCI status 11, 14
Pending Requests at Split Transaction level 204

options 120, 123
setting up 25, 28, 29

PETracer EML

opening 24

PETracer Gen2 Summit 7
PETracer ML

opening 24

PETracer SN message 61
PETracer Summit 9, 14

components 33, 36, 38

PHY layer problems 5, 7
Pin Button 144
pin-outs 21
pins 22
Platform Status menu 11, 14
Playback Window 101
Playlist Functionality 99
Playlist Playback Control 101, 102
plus symbol 112, 114
polarity checkbox 167
pop-up menus 74
power on/off switch 16, 18
power socket 16, 18
Power Switch 10, 13
powering on 41, 43
Pre/Post Trigger pane 191
Preserve TC to VC mapping across the channels
Print command 71
Printer button 71
printing 71
Probe Data Cable 40

overview 3


opening 24

Properties 178, 210

Properties button 144
Properties command 134
Properties dialog 144
Properties dialog box 134, 143
protocol unit 199
prototype rework area 21


range delimiters 192
Raw 10b Codes 75
raw-recording mode 5
Read Requests Performance 202
reading 73
Ready message 61
Real-Time Statistical Monitor window 210
Real-Time Statistics

buttons 208
pop-up menu 210
toolbar 208

Real-Time Statistics window 207
Real-time Statistics window 211
rear panel 16, 18
Reboot 12, 15
Reboot command 11, 14
Recently Used Ranges 190
Record button 64
Record LED 10, 13
Record Menu 55
recorded activity 62
recording 63, 119

multi-segment 65
stopping 64

Recording button 135
Recording Options

command 119
configuring 63
dialog box 119
files 67
loading 130
saving 130
settings 130

Recording Options command 63
recording progress 61
Recording Progress Bar 61
Recording Rules

buttons 133
examples 136
logic 136
toolbar 133

Recording Rules tab 131