Teledyne LeCroy PETracer Summit and Summit T2-16 PCIe User Manual User Manual
Page 201

Summit User Manual
Chapter 10: Reports and Tools
Using the Legend to Set the Priority of Information Display
You can use the legend to set the priority of information displayed in the Pre/Post Trigger
Traffic Type panes. This is a two-step process.
Step 1 For a particular item in a pane, click the column next to the checkbox
for the item. That labels the item as currently active.
Step 2 Next, use the up-down at the lower-right of the area to move the item
higher or lower in priority.
In the case of the Traffic Type pane, priority determines display priority of each packet
type. For portions of the CATC Trace that are dominated by a particular packet type, this
setting no effect: only the color corresponding to that packet type is displayed in that
portion of the pane. Suppose, however, that part of the CATC Trace includes equal or
near equal numbers of several types of packets. In that case, you can use the legend to
select which among those types is represented in that portion of the Traffic Types pane.
This allows you to view only packets of interest in crowded portions of the CATC Trace