Trace filename and path, Options name, Trace filename and path options name – Teledyne LeCroy PETracer Summit and Summit T2-16 PCIe User Manual User Manual

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Chapter 8: Recording Options

Summit User Manual




Trace Filename and Path

The Trace Filename and Path button on the Recording Options General panel allows you
to change the default file name and path for the recorded CATC Trace file. The
pre-defined name is data.pem.

Step 1 Select the Recording File Name button.

Step 2 When you see the Save As menu, navigate to the directory you want.

Step 3 Enter the new file name in the File name field.

Step 4 Click the Save button.

This action does not do any immediate save operation. It just changes the default name
and uses it in subsequent recordings.

Options Name

The Options Name is a descriptive, supplemental label that you can assign to a
Recording Options file.

For example, if your Recording Options file were named StandardSettings.rec, your
Options Name could be a long descriptive label such as Standard Record Options used
for all normal Recordings