Rx text, Laserdisc/dvd search (displayed as ʻserchʼ), Q) rx text – Gilderfluke&Co BR-SDC Serial Device Controller User Manual

Page 46: L) laserdisc/dvd search (displayed as ʻserchʼ)

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make multiple entries, which will be added to consecutive entries in the selected string.
Enter an when you are finished making entries.


Rx Text:

(Command NOT available if in Mode 1) This command is an alternative way to enter

data to get as ASCII text (instead of entering characters as hexadecimal values, as
done in the ʻg) Value to Getʼ command). You simply type the ascii text to send. This
adds an entry in the selected string (shown by ʻh) Edit String nʼ) at the entry (shown by ʻi
Edit Entry nnʼ). This will be displayed on this menu an ascii text character, within a pair
of single quotes, within a single pair of parenthesis. The parenthesis show that this is a
character that the Br-SDC will pause until it is received. If a different character is re-
ceived, this will generate an ʻerrorʼ. A different string can be triggered if there is an error
in a string. You can make multiple entries, which will be added to consecutive entries in
the selected string. Enter an when you are finished making entries


LaserDisc/DVD Search (displayed as ʻserchʼ):

This tells the Br-SDC to search for the ʻLDPʼ frame number entered for the input/

edge on the input setup menu. The Br-SDC will use the commands that are appropriate
for the type of LaserDisk/DVD that has been selected. If it finds the drawer open, spin-
dle stopped, or anything else amiss on the LaserDisk/DVD, it will try to correct the con-
dition before continuing with the search.

When the search has completed, the Br-SDC will then continue with the next charac-

ter in the string. Often these are the commands to tell the LaserDisk/DVD to start ʻplay-

If you are using a CAV disk, the maximum frame number you can enter is 54,000.

Any value larger than this is invalid, and will probably upset the LaserDisk/DVD. Frame
values of zero are also not allowed, and will not be sent.

If you are using a CLV disk, the range of valid frame numbers is 0:00:00.01 to

0:59:59:29 (1 to 108,000 frames). LaserDisk/DVDs are pressed with an ʻhourʼ pro-
grammed into them, typically hour ʻ0ʼ or hour ʻ1ʼ. You will need to add a value equal to
one hour worth of frames if your disk was encoded to use hour ʻ1ʼ 3. Frame values of
zero are not allowed, and will not be sent.

Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485

Br-SDC Manual / December 30, 2013 9:24 AM / page 46 of 62

3 108,000 if operating at thirty FPS, 90,000 if operating at twenty-five FPS.