Clear configuration memory – Gilderfluke&Co BR-SDC Serial Device Controller User Manual
Page 23
2) 2400 baud
3) 4800 baud
4) 9600 baud (default)
5) 19,200 baud
6) 38,400 baud
7) 57,600 baud
8) 115,200 baud
No matter the baud rate chosen, configuration will always take place at 9600 baud.
The Br-SDC will only switch to another baud rate upon exiting configuration.
Clear Configuration Memory:
This command is used to reload the default configurations into the Br-SDC. Default
configuration loads a sequence into bit 0 closing edge that will access frame 1000 of a
Pioneer CAV LaserDisk/DVD player, play until frame 2000, delay for 500 frames, and
then repeat.
Six default strings are loaded in the Br-SDC. These are the most commonly used
strings. They can be used as-is, modified, or deleted altogether, depending on your ap-
1) For Pioneer LaserDisk and DVD players. This string is used to loop a single video
sequence, with a delay between each iteration of the loop. It tells a Pioneer
LaserDisk/DVD player to:
a)!Search for a frame number.
b)!Start the Player playing once it is found.
c)! Search for an ending frame number.
c)! Stop when it is found.
d)!Delay for the amount of time entered in the ʻshow lengthʼ.
Note that because of the length of this string, it will not show in its entirety on an
eighty column wide display. You will need to scroll the screen to the right or use a screen
setting that is wider than eighty columns.
2) For Pioneer LaserDisk and DVD players. This string will tell a Pioneer LaserDisk/
DVD player to:
a) Search for a frame number.
b) Start the Player playing once it is found.
c) Search for an ending frame number.
3) For Pioneer LaserDisk and DVD players. This string will tell a Pioneer LaserDisk/
DVD player go to:
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-SDC Manual / December 30, 2013 9:24 AM / page 23 of 62