ʻconfigure/runʼ switch, Serial ports – Gilderfluke&Co BR-SDC Serial Device Controller User Manual
Page 10

or more of these serial ports, you will see the adjacent LED flash.
ʻConfigure/Runʼ Switch:
This switch must be in the ʻDisabledʼ position for the Br-SDC to receive and send
strings normally. When this switch is in the ʻDisabledʼ position, there is no possible way
for a Br-SDC to alter its memory and the Br-SDC operates normally, receiving charac-
ters and sending strings in response to inputs.
With the switch in the ʻConfigureʼ position, the serial port is forced to 9600 baud,
and is put into ʻconfigurationʼ mode. The Br-SDCʼs built-in menu is displayed on a com-
puter attached to the female DE-09 serial port1 and configuration reads and writes can
take place normally.
When in configuration mode, the Br-SDCʼs ʻheartʼ LED will flash at a far faster than
the normal ʻRunningʼ rate.
With the switch in the ʻDisabledʼ position, the Br-SDC should retain its configura-
tions for at least forty years. The serial port is returned to the baud rate selected during
setup, and the Br-SDC returns to ʻnormalʼ operation.
Serial Ports:
There are several different options available on the Br-SDCs for RS-232 or RS-422
Serial port connectors:
a) DE-09 Nine Position Female:
On the Br-SDC/09, this connection is used for both configuration and sending
strings to the devices the Br-SDC/09 controls. When connecting the Br-SDC/09 to
your controlled device, this may require a cable that flips pins #2 and #3.
On the eight port Br-SDC8, this female connection is used for configuration,
and for attaching the Br-SDC8 to the your PC, PLC, or other source of serial data.
The RS-232 serial port is paralleled with the RS-244 serial port. You can use ei-
ther port interchangeably, but not at the same time. The eight male DE-09 connec-
tors are used to attach the devices that receive the strings that the Br-SDC8 gen-
erates or reroutes.
A nine pin male to nine pin female serial cable with ʻstraight throughʼ wiring is
used to connect the Br-SDC to your PC or PLC. The pins that the Br-SDC uses
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-SDC Manual / December 30, 2013 9:24 AM / page 10 of 62
The computer must be running a terminal program, such as GilderTerm, HyperTerm or others.