Laserdisk/dvd start frame, Laserdisk/dvd end frame, 3) laserdisk/dvd start frame – Gilderfluke&Co BR-SDC Serial Device Controller User Manual
Page 31

LaserDisk/DVD Start frame:
This is the frame number that the Br-SDC will search for when a special ʻLa-
serSearchʼ (ʻserchʼ) command is found in the string that is being sent. The string
will be paused until the LaserDisk/DVD has completed the search command. The
string will then continue with the next character in the string. The ʻserchʼ command
will typically be followed by the commands to tell the LaserDisk/DVD to begin play-
On CAV LaserDisks, the range of valid frame numbers is one to 54,000. Values
of zero will be ignored. Larger values will just confuse the LaserDisk/DVD player.
On CLV LaserDisks, the range of valid frame numbers is 0:00:00.01 to
0:59:59:29 (1 to 108,000 frames). LaserDisks are pressed with an ʻhourʼ pro-
grammed into them, typically hour ʻ0ʼ or hour ʻ1ʼ. You will need to add a value
equal to one hour worth of frames if your disk was encoded to use hour ʻ1ʼ
Frame values of zero are also not allowed, and will not be sent.
LaserDisk/DVD End Frame:
This is the frame number that the Br-SDC will poll the LaserDisk/DVD player
for when it encounters a ʻLaserDisk Endʼ (ʻLdEndʼ) command in the string being
sent. The string will be paused until the LaserDisk/DVD has passed this frame.
The string will then continue with the next entry.
DVD players respond slowly to any request for frame numbers. The Br-SDC
has code which specifically delays re-polling a LaserDisk/DVD player until it has
finished getting the last frameʼs frame number.
If the Br-SDC does not hear from the LaserDisk/DVD Player for a full second, it
will try resending the query command.
On CAV LaserDisks, the range of valid frame numbers is one to 54,000. Frame
values of zero will never be found. Larger values will just confuse the LaserDisk/
DVD player.
On CLV LaserDisks, the range of valid frame numbers is 0:00:00.01 to
0:59:59:29 (one to 108,000 frames). The Br-SDC ignores the ʻhourʼ when search-
ing for the end of a show. Frame values of zero will never be found. Larger values
will just confuse things.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-SDC Manual / December 30, 2013 9:24 AM / page 31 of 62
2 108,000 if operating at thirty FPS, 90,000 if operating at twenty-five FPS.