Edit input actions, ʻstringʼ that will be sent on this closure, Delay timer length – Gilderfluke&Co BR-SDC Serial Device Controller User Manual
Page 30: G) through z) edit input actions, 1) ʻstringʼ that will be sent on this closure, 2) delay timer length

As with mode 2, mode 1 has the option of a ʻbinary modeʼ as described above for the
Br-SDC/09 and Br-SDC/422.
g) through z)
Edit Input Actions:
These commands are used to select and modify the twenty ʻshowsʼ that play when
the level of an input changes. When you have selected an input/edge, this line will be
displayed in UPPER CASE to make it easier to see. You can set:
ʻStringʼ that will be sent on this closure:
A string can be up to one hundred characters long, and can include commands
a) Search for a specific frame on many LaserDisk/DVD players when a ʻserchʼ
marker is found in the string being sent.
b) Delay until a specific frame of a LaserDisk/DVD player has been played
when a ʻLdEndʼ marker is found in the string which is being sent.
c) Delay until a certain amount of time has passed when a ʻdelayʼ marker is
found in the string being sent.
d) Get a specific character, or any character through the serial port. These can
be entered as either HEXadecimal or ASCII text characters.
Valid string numbers are 1 through 9, A through F. A entry of ʻ0ʼ tells the Br-
SDC to not send any string on this input/edge. This disables this entire input/edge,
and the settings for that input/edge will no longer be displayed on the menu until it
is changed to a non-zero value.
Delay Timer Length:
This is the length that the internal timer will run for when a ʻStart Timerʼ (ʻdelayʼ)
command is found in the string that is being sent. The string will be paused until
this amount of time (in frames) has passed. The string will then continue with the
next character in the string.
Valid range of inputs for this timer are one frame to 99,999 frames. This trans-
late into a potential time delay of over nine hours.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-SDC Manual / December 30, 2013 9:24 AM / page 30 of 62